What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. Cannnabidiol has no psychoactive properties, and won't make you feel "high".
What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
The main difference between these two plants is that one has an intoxicating effect (marijuana) and the other does not (hemp). Both types of plants contain levels of CBD and THC, but hemp grown in the United States can legally contain no more than .3% THC while today’s marijuana contains between 15% – 25% THC.
Is CBD legal?
CBD from hemp is widely available across the USA. In 2018, updates to the U.S. Farm Bill legalized the commercial cultivation of hemp under certain regulations. Our CBD products are sourced from American-grown, high-CBD industrial hemp.
What is the best method of use?
CBD products are available in a wide variety of forms. We offer sublingual tinctures which are consumed by placing droplets under the tongue, and we also offer capsules, gummies, vapes, beverages, and more. Please have a look through our blog and various product pages to determine which product may be most suitable for you and your needs.
Is the milligram of CBD per serving or for the entire bottle?
The milligram listed on the bottle is the amount of CBD for the entire bottle, not per serving. For amounts of CBD per serving, please refer to the CBD Concentrations tables on our products.
How often should I take CBD?
Take CBD as needed. Some people take it only once a day, while others take it three times a day.
What is the shelf life of CBD?
For the best shelf life please store in a cool dark area, this will ensure there is no loss in potency. Don’t allow it to sit in direct sunlight. If properly stored CBD has around a one-year shelf life!
When will I receive my order?
You will receive your product within 3 to 9 business days.
What medical conditions can CBD help with?
CBD has NOT been evaluated by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. There is anecdotal evidence that regular CBD use can increase your overall sense of wellness and may aid in the management of minor physical discomfort.